digital sales RATING

1. Digital Sales Rating                                                                        ...internal...

     ...balancing & optimizing sales results



  • With a most accurate analysis, it is unclear how
    the current sales quality of Sales Resulting is to
    be assessed:
    • Are customers with strong potential supported and is the assessment of potential accurate?
    • Is the outlined potential sufficient to reach the budget?
    • Does outside sales (selling team) support the correct number of customers?
    • Are the supported customers aware of the solutions, products, services of your company?
    • Is the ratio of the outside sales budget accurate in terms of potential?
    • Is the customer structure per selling team accurate: ratio of existing customers, growth customers, new customers?
    • Are minor customers mistakenly supported?
    • Is time accurately allocated to customers (time management)?
  • How is future development assessed?
  • What are the main gaps?


  • Sales Rating assesses the status of professionality
    of your current sales resulting pursuant to:
    … the correct, profitable potentials,
    … accuracy of potentials information,
    … correct, matching customers,
    … the right opportunity platform per outside sales   
         employee/potential to budget,
    … correct customer structure per outside sales
    … correct time management per customer/customer segment.
  • Sales rating is comparable to a classical balance sheet that expresses the fiscal values. It clarifies and assesses the quality of sales resulting and offers a comparative rating.
  • One individual rating is provided per outside sales employee/selling team, then a condensed overview across the sales areas with several outside sales employees and finally a full company overview for executive management and board members.
  • Current gaps can be identified based on the rating, and the future development can be forecast, analogously to the values of a balance sheet on a fiscal level.
  • Rating allows the deduction of clear action instructions per individual outside sales employee, per sales team (sales/area manager) and is condensed the most per executive manager/ board member.


  • Faster, more individual demand-orientation
    = stronger customer relationship
  • Increase sales and profits
  • Higher order rate: turn offers into orders
  • Differentiation from the competition
  • Increased cross-selling intensifies customer
  • Stronger activation of customer potential
  • Expansion of market position in the region


2. Digital New Customer Rating                                                          ...internal...

     ...assessment & optimization of customer acquisition



  • The expected sales objectives for new customers
    were not achieved in the fiscal year.
  • The number of new customers won is too low in
    relation to the number of outside sales employees/
    the selling team.
  • The potentials of the customers for future successes
    are too low among newly won customers (minor customers).
  • 20% of outside sales employees are successful, 80%
    are not sufficiently or not at all successful or (the few carry the many)
  • 70% of new customer successes are induced externally
    by customer inquiries, only 30% by active acquisition.
  • Weak pretexts are offered for failures, lack of time,
    better positioning of the competition, unattractive
    prices, product portfolio contains gaps.
  • Those that can do acquisition, should do acquisition (hunter versus farmer), even though acquisition is the core task of outside sales employees/selling teams, because more and more customers are lost per year.
  • New customer acquisition starts at the beginning of
    the year with a binding commitment to success, then peters out through the course of the year.
  • A systematic new customer resulting per month, per outside sales employee/selling team is not utilized.


  • Systematic sales resulting of new customer acquisition.
  • Appointing a fixed number of potential customers (e.g. ten or five in the pool) per outside sales employee that must be processed (pool quantity assures that a few
    new customers are won, but not all).
  • Securing interactive potentials per customer and best matches to offer a solution/product profile is the manager‘s responsibility, not the responsibility of the outsiders sales employees (recognize the winner at the starting line).
  • Specific sales targets for outside sales employees to be achieved with all new customers in total (target achieved with some, one, or all new customers).
  • A clear, simple overview is created on one page per month through the sales resulting instrument “acquisition barometer“.
  • The result is presented per month on three hierarchy levels: outside sales/inside sales/consultant and manager, sales manager and area manager/executive management/board members on one side, in reasonable, easily understood, consolidated terms.
  • Clear information of measurable activities per hierarchy level per month.
  • Recognize per outside sales employee/sales team where the customer to be won is located on the timeline for the year: pool, first appointment, meeting to find the key to success, closing face, result.
  • If the potential new customer cannot be won after several visits, the customer must be replaced with a new one. (If potential and target do not line up: don‘t beat a dead horse).


  • Increased cross-selling intensifies customer
  • Increase sales and profits
  • Differentiation from the competition
  • Higher order rate: turn offers into orders
  • Faster, more individual demand-orientation
    = stronger customer relationship
  • Stronger activation of customer potential
  • Expansion of market position in the region


3. Digital Innovation Rating                                                               ...internal...

     ...assessment & optimization of the level of innovation



  • The complete company loses sales and market
    shares because the innovative strength is lost in comparison to the competition.
  • The vision often does not promote creativity and is
    too theoretical in nature.
  • The objectives of the company are not ambitious
    enough to demand the development of new ideas.
  • The culture of the company (fundamental attitude)
    of managers and employees promotes a “staying in
    place“ rather than the search for creative new
  • Meetings are not characterized by professionally
    utilized creative skills but by debates and internal politics.
  • The systemic creative search programs searching
    for ideas through the complete company come to nothing.


  • Innovation rating clearly shows whether strong innovation drivers, e.g.

    ... moving visions,
    … highly challenging objectives,
    … impressive, creative, passionate culture,
    … professional creativity skills,
    … systemic creative search programs

    activate innovative potentials.
  • The gaps are mapped out precisely and clearly show
    the critical points to catapult the innovative
    performance of the company to a new level.
  • Show clearly who in the company utilizes forces to promote innovation: board, manager, employee,
    further differentiated by functional areas of the company, estimated. A comparison will be possible. This defines necessary starting points for a new creativity initiative.


  • Expansion of market position in the region
  • Increase sales and profits
  • Differentiation from the competition
  • Faster, more individual demand-orientation
    = stronger customer relationship
  • Increased cross-selling intensifies customer
  • Stronger activation of customer potential
  • Higher order rate: turn offers into orders


4. Digital Competition Rating                                                          ...internal...

     ...competition analysis and consistent market differentiation



  • Competition is assessed more like prose than in a systematic, pragmatic, continuously updated rating
  • Assessment of potentials is too vague and frequently politicized. The skill of professionally assessing
    potential is often lacking
  • The calibration of the competition‘s criteria is too complex and includes trivialities instead of real,
    order-relevant criteria
  • Competition analysis across all competitors is an elaborate, high-volume, complex construct
  • The assessment of the competition follows outdated models, e.g SWOT analysis
  • Specific ways of winning competitors’ customers/ projects are frequently not derived from the
    competition analysis
  • Specific levers are not derived that are available pragmatically to sales every day prior to and in negotiations
  • Findings from the competition analysis and competition diagnosis remain on the meta level and are not sufficiently linked to daily work in sales
  • The findings of the competition assessment used in
    sales are not sufficiently measured for success



  • A systematic, digital recording of relevant competitors based on an intelligent weighing of criteria identifies
    the vulnerable weaknesses
  • The potential and financial strength of competitors are recorded professionally but are vague on an operational level
  • The precise assessment of the position and derivation of selling points for the selling team allows the successful acquisition of orders over the competition
  • Specific levers are created, which sales can use clearly and pragmatically
  • Smart objection matrixes also help in successful sales negotiations
  • Knowledge about the relevant competition is always available to sales, in particular prior to and during customer meetings when this knowledge is beneficial
  • Time expense for monitoring competition is optimized
    as the time spent for a qualitative result is reduced
  • The modified competition analysis leads to measurable results for sales, selling teams, and outside sales staff.


  • Significantly more customers/projects are won
    from the competition in line with objectives –
    this is measurable and verifiable
  • Market share expansion reaches double-digits
  • The success rate in order acquisition increases
    per outside sales staff/selling team
  • Expansion of the market position in the region
  • Increased sales and profits
  • Differentiation from the competition
  • Faster, more individual demand-orientation
    = stronger customer relationship
  • Increased cross-selling intensifies customer
  • Stronger activation of customer potential
  • Higher order rate: turn offer into order


digital sales resulting GmbH

Schloss Eicherhof

42799 Leichlingen


Unternehmens-Spirit: Think Result

"DIGITAL SALES RESULTING INSTITUTE" ... ist eine Kooperation des Unternehmens



Das Unternehmen ermöglicht Ihnen durch die einzigartige Kombination der "SALES & DIGITALEN WELT" konkrete, messbare, profitable Resultate, die Ihnen den Vorsprung am Markt sichern.